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Fitness / outdoor trails
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A walk starting from le Roulier or from the camping car area of Docelles, which offers two alternatives in this route.
distance :
13,5 km
duration :
04:00 (hh:mm)
difference in height :
311 m
Marking :
Cercle rouge
starting point :
Parking de la Mairie
departure :
latitude : 48,1685472928601 / longitude : 6,61894816424558
Join the tour :1st Starting point: Le Roulier, parking lot of the city hall

2nd starting point: Docelles, camping car area

To join the starting point by car:
From Bruyères, head for Remiremont, cross the village of Lépanges sur Vologne.

-1st starting point: some kilometers away, turn right towards Le Roulier. Park in the parking lot of the city hall.
-2nd starting point: continue straight to the roundabout and take the 3rd exit, then take the first right to Docelles.
Description of the tour :This hike can be shortened according to the time you have. (1st and 2nd alternatives are marked with a red triangle)

From the 1st starting point: turn left and at the next junction turn left as well. At the stop sign, head for Docelles. At the exit of the hamlet, the first alternative leaves by the right, the loop is shortened by 4km (2.4miles). Otherwise, continue for 50meters and turn right at the calvary. This dirt road makes you cross an agrarian landscape with nice views of the Vologne valley. When you can see Docelles, follow the tarred road on the right which will soon cross a sawmill.

2nd starting point: from the caping car area, cross the Vologne river by the small bridge and turn right along the Vologne to join the sawmill.

Continue, you are now in the forest of Docelles. 50 meters away, take a large pathway to the left. It leads to the fitness trail that you will use until joining the forest pathway. Walk straight until a huge glade that you go round to the right (view of Le Roulier). A bit further, you will see a wayside cross. Continue in front on the dirt pathway and turn right at the next junction. When leaving the forest, walk along the edge for 200meters. In front, the second alternative is starting, the walk is shortened by 6km (3.7miles); the village of Le Roulier to the right. Otherwise, turn left in the descent. You join a larger forest pathway, follow it to the right, and at the roundabout turn right again. Walk close to some water catchments and go up. At the top, turn right and stay on the ridge. There, continue straight for 100meters and turn right towards Deycimont. When going down, as soon as you see some houses, you are now close to the junction, turn right. You walk close to a water catchment and between two houses. Follow the tarred road which will lead you to the starting point.
Allowed pets


route calculation
hiker's charter
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